Purchase ranks and enhance your experience in Haider Network pvp server!

Hunter Rank

Perks-Access to custom arenas
-Public party limit 20 players
-Can duel unlimited time
-Bold chat color
-Custom chat color
-Access to /shout
-Can fly in lobby
-Can do /spectate
-Player limit by pass
Price :- 550 inr or 1500 pkr! (Monthly)

MVP Rank

-Can duel unlimited time-Custom chat color-Can do /spectate-Public party limit 10 players-Player limit by pass-Access to /shoutPrice :- 250 inr or 500 pkr (Monthly)

Custom Rank

  • Custom name on tab of your choice!

  • Prefiex will be same as hunter rank!

  • 1000 inr or 3000 pkr! (Monthly)

Make sure to send the screen shot of the payment after your purchase!